Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General
Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2009 7:15 p.m.

Attendance: Diana Hankes, John & Sonya Fitak, John McCormick, Jenny Michel, Fiona Tranter, Hillary Forbes, Pat & Chuck Garrigues, Val Lau, Paul Gunderson, Lindsey Milbrandt, and Ken & Vicki Phipps

Minutes of the 2008 annual meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ken and seconded by Diana and approved.

Treasure’s Report: Chuck reported that we were in good financial shape and a midyear report will be sent out at the end of June. We have two Certificates of Deposits and the checking account. All commended Chuck for the good job he was doing. A motion to accept the financial report was moved by Sonya and seconded by Diana and approved.

Slate of officers for 2009/2010:
    President: Jenny Michel
    Vice President: Paul Gunderson
    Treasurer: Chuck Garrigues
    Secretary: Val Lau
    At Large: Sonya & John Fitak
Motion moved by Diana to accept the slate of officers and seconded by Sonya and approved.

John McCormick encouraged all to join the John Muir (Wisconsin) Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society of Scotland.

It was noted that there was no dance this past spring due to lack of interest but that there will be one next year on 5/22/10. Jenny and Diana will co-chair planning it.

The Halloween Dance is 10/31/09. The dance program was completed by Ron Hankes and John McCormick with suggestions from Ken and Diana. Bands have been contacted for music but we are waiting for responses. If live music does not work out, we’ll use recorded music. Only costume prizes will be given out this year.

The Wisconsin Scottish Highland Games have asked us to participate again this year in the same format as last year.

Val volunteered to update the club brochure and business cards. Lindsey suggested a contact email address be added. TBD

The group agreed in principal to help with the Chicago weekend workshop.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Submitted by
Vicki Phipps

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Last modified July 22, 2009