Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General
Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2011

Attendance:  Paul Gunderson, Chuck Garrigues, Sonja Fitak, Pat Garrigues, Vicki Phipps, Ken Phipps, Valerie Lau, Diana Hankes, Nancy, Becky Glamm, John Fitak, John McCormick.

Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting and the minutes were approved from the last meeting


Still have $20 over at Hales Corners in case we would want to go back

$500 from Milwaukee Group into Midwest Fund for Midwest Scottish Country Dancing weekend

Midwest Scottish Weekend

·         Made less money

·         Would like to provide a full refund for a couple who attends the full weekend

·         Feedback was that the musicians were wonderful

·         Diana, John F. and John Mc, put the Friday night program together and received lots of compliments

·         Chicago Group, questioning about Insurance.  Right now it is under the Chicago group but would like to split it three ways, with the Milwaukee, Chicago and Madison  just for the weekend

·         See who thought if the music workshop was interesting as not many people showed up

New Officers

·         Sonja Fitak, President

·         Chuck Garrigues, Vice President

·         Vicki Phipps, Treasurer

·         Valerie Lau, Secretary

·         Becky Glamm, At Large

·         Paul Gunderson, At Large

Motion was approved

Halloween Fall Dance

·         We need to find a new venue

·         Sonja will check on the venue for the Halloween dance


Highland Games

·         Labour Day September  2 to September 4, 2011

·         Information to follow


Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Valerie Lau

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Last modified September 17, 2011