Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2014
Attendance: John McCormick, Paul Gunderson, Pat Garrigues, Chuck Garrigues, Vicki Phipps, Ken Phipps, Sonya Fitak, John Fitak, Hillary Forbes, Valerie Lau, Diana Hankes, Nan Stangler
Financial Statements for 2013 and 2014 to date were passed out.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.
1. Minutes of 2013 Annual General Meeting were approved (motion made by Sonya, seconded by Chuck.)
2. Treasurer's report.
We are ahead of budget, mainly due to a fee for a demo at Kohler. There was no spring dance in 2014. The budget is the same as last year. Discussion about electronics/technology. Diana, Val and Paul will look into equipment. Motion to set aside $1000 for music technology equipment for classes and demos (motion made by Paul, seconded by Sonya). Motion carried.
3. Midwest Scottish Weekend
Attendance was about 50, the goal is 60+ people.
Discussion about support for attendees of the Midwest Scottish weekend. It was agreed to clarify earlier poorly documented AGM and board actions in regard to dancer support for the Midwest Scottish Weekend. A motion was made by Ken and seconded by Sonya to adopt the following procedure.
Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers will provide financial support in the sum of $50.00 per dancer who meet the following criteria:
1. Any current dues-paying member in good standing may apply for this incentive.
2. Member has paid for, attended, and fully participated in the Midwest Scottish Weekend.
3. Member must apply to the treasurer within 3 months of the workshop.
The motion carried.4. New business:
Fall dance: will be held at Our Lord's United Methodist Church on Saturday Oct. 25, 2014.
Waukesha Highland Games: Ken will submit paperwork. Same as last year.
Board of Directors for July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015:
President: Hilary Forbes
Vice President: Paul Gunderson
Treasurer: Ken Phipps
Secretary: Nan Stangler
Member at large: Valerie Lau
Teacher (ex-officio): John McCormick
Motion to adjourn the meeting (motion made by Diana, seconded by Chuck). The meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.Respectfully submitted,
Nan Stangler
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Last modified July 11, 2014