Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2017
Call to order –10 members present and paid
Minutes of 2016 AGM approved with the correction: the AGM will be held on the third Monday of July
Treasurer’s report – approved as distributed
Slate of officers; elected by acclimation
President – Diana
Secretary – Val
VP – Becky
At large - Paul
Old Business
I. Posters for Highland Games – “Open House” date will be available for the Highland Games
II. Teacher scholarship: agreed that when a candidate is ready for teacher training the Milwaukee Scottish Dancer’s will provide supplemental funding on a case-by-case basis.
III. Weekend Scholarship will remain as is -$50 for those who attend the entire weekend and apply to the treasurer for reimbursement.
IV. TAC 2018 scholarships are approved in concept and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 2018 is a teaching year so a candidate for a teaching certificate will be
New Business
I. Back-up for Web site – Rebecca will speak to Pau and determine if she will do this.
II. Routine practice for demo’s or “advanced” dances will be held every third Sunday at 1 p.m starting the third Sunday in September.
a. Video our dances – agreement of all that this is appropriate but will require much practice and experimentation with video techniques. Terry will assist and all demo dancers are in agreement in theory with the idea.
b. Have a repertoire of dances ready to go – agreed by all.
c. Have a “Junior Varsity” – this is an ill-defined concept but the idea is acceptable.
III. Dance programs
a. Schedule a “sub-committee” for October dance program, using a “manual” for creating a program of dances. Hankes will supply a “how-to” manual.
b. Preparation for dances – prizes, Emcee, food, decorations etc is led by the VP.
IV. Class organization
a. Requests and “Figure classes” were agreed to as a good idea and will be pursued.
V. Suggested “Go TO” people for
a. FB - Val
b. WEB – Paul/Rebecca
c. Demo - Diana
d. Music – Rebecca
e. New member packet was not considered necessary.
VI. Publicity committee or “recruiting” continues to be the task of all members. Ideas welcome
VII. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
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Last modified September 23, 2017