Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2005
Present: Pat Garrigues, Vicki Phipps, Denise Babin John McCormick and Dorcas Baker (ex officio)
Excuse: Diana Hankes, Rebecca Sinclair, Mike Forbes
The minutes of the August 17, 2004 meeting were approved with as corrected (change spelling of Pat’s name to Garrigues).
Treasurer’s report: An apparent error was noted for the October dance income for 2004. The error should affect totals for the year, as well, including the balance. The Board agreed to postpone approval of the report until a later meeting so that the treasurer can make corrections.
The club needs to have its funds in its own checking account for clarity and for redundancy, in the unlikely and unfortunate event that something should happen to the treasurer. Since the group already has the requisite tax ID number, the Board resolved that the group should have a separate account before the June general meeting.
Recommendations for the nomination committee were discussed. The president will ask the members recommended by the board and make additional appointments on her own judgment if additional members are needed.
The annual meeting date has been set for June 6.
The budget for 2005 was approved. Denise will give the budget sheet to Rebecca.
The Board agreed to purchase a Califone Performance Pro boombox. Denise will purchase or give the specifications to Dorcas.
Sites were discussed for a future beginner’s class. Discussion centered on the low retention of students when the beginner class is held on a different night from Monday nights. Dorcas will see if UWM’s continuing education department can offer better facilities than in the past, ask John Fitak if the space he mentioned downtown is still available, and contact the Society of Friends meeting house on the east side to look for suitable space.
In regard to the Irish music group that will be in Milwaukee, Dorcas will consult the class to see if there is interest in a workshop or performance for a Monday night class May 9. If there is interest, the Board voted to spend no more than $50 to compensate the performers.
The April 23rd dance was discussed. Denise will prepare the cheat sheet by March 27. Vicki will create signs. John McCormick will gather people to talk through dances. Denise will emcee.
Vicki Phipps will contact Connie Young about the Waukesha Highland games about both demo team performance and other participation. She will also contact the Madison branch to coordinate other joint participation, including a Saturday night dance and holding a booth in the clan tent area. If the Madison group is agreeable, she will ask that set dance lesson times be placed on the published schedule for the Games.
A date was set for the next beginners’ class, to begin Monday, October 3.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.Last modified May 24, 2005