Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
April 29, 2010

Attendance: Jenny Michel, John McCormick, Chuck Garrigues, Paul Gunderson, Valerie Lau, Sonya Fitak and John Fitak

Jenny welcomed everyone to the meeting and the minutes from July 30, 2009, were approved.

Spring Dance Party

May 22 Dance at the The DeKoven Center Gymnasium, 600 21st Street, Racine, Wisconsin, $10.00 admission, the program has been written and there is a web page on facebook with all the information on the dance. There will be a Potluck Dinner and pool party after the dance.

The plan is to incorporate Denise Babin’s graduation celebration after the dance at the Fitak’s home.


Chuck reported on our finances and needs approval for the board to pay for Diana Hankes conference calls made in regards to the Midwest Scottish Weekend. Sonya motioned to approve, Paul seconded, the motion was approved unanimously.

Question came up as to who has the library of videos. We need a catalogue of items we have in our library.

Upcoming Demos

May 26, Bayside Middle School, planning on doing a demo for the children and then having them participate and hopefully, we will get kids interested in Scottish Country Dancing.

Halloween Dance

Jenny is planning on asking Athas again to play. Sonya requested to move the Halloween Dance to the 23rd of October. We will discuss that at our Annual Meeting.

Next General meeting will be held on June 14.

New Officers for 2010 will be:

Paul Gunderson, President

Sonya Fitak, Vice President

Valerie Lau, Secretary

Proposed Board

Vicki Phipps, Treasurer

Need two more At Large Candidates

Sonya volunteered to be on the nominating committee.

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Last modified June 23, 2010