Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2010

Attendance: Paul Gunderson, John McCormick, Vicki Phipps, Valerie Lau, Becky Glamm, Sonya Fitak, Diana Hankes

Sonya motioned to approve minutes from last meeting Diana seconded.

Class Times

Paul will call St. Paul’s to schedule our class times for 2011

Chuck will schedule with Our Lord’s for 2011

Spring Dance

Paul will look into making reservations at: The DeKoven Center, 600 21st Street Racine,
WI 53403, 262-633-6401 for the first Saturday in May 2011. If we would have to cancel Paul will find out what is their refund policy.


Vicki passed out the Treasurers Report. We have a holding deposit of $25 at Hales Corners. The Treasurers Report, motioned to approve by Diana seconded by Sonya.

Midwest Scottish Weekend

It was discussed to give a discount to couples who pay for the whole weekend. It was approved by the board, Vicki, abstained since she was one who would benefit from this approval.


Paul will put a list together of ways to bring in more members.

Diana – will try to find out what procedures she needs to do in order to teach a class at UW Waukesha, or through Park and Rec’s

We could become part of the International Group. It is a huge commitment, but Diana will look into the process.

Paul will create a facebook page for the Milwaukee Scottish Country Dance Group.

Right now, we are just looking into many different ways to recruit.

Becky will be in charge of sending ads to the Milwaukee Journal, Onion, Express, Outpost, YMCA, etc. She will also check into Groupon.

Halloween Dance

Vicki – in charge of the cash box

John Fitak – in charge of making the program

Sonya – in charge of paper goods

There will be door prizes and everyone will bring a dish to pass.

New Business

Question came up in regards to Quicken, the program used for our Treasurer. The Club should buy the program and then we own it as opposed to an individual.

Meeting adjourned. 10:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Valerie Lau

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Last modified December 27, 2010