Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
March 25, 2013

Attendance: Chuck Garrigues, Vicki Phipps, Ken Phipps, Nancy Freitag, John McCormick, Valerie Lau

Chuck started meeting at 8:45 p.m. read over last meeting minutes and approved by Ken Phipps and seconded by Nancy Freitag

Treasurers Report

Fall Dance – attendance was way down, therefore, did not make as much as a profit as we normally do.

We changed venues from St. Paul’s to Our Lords and people might not have been comfortable with the change of venues.

Current Balance in our account is - $2,090.77

Spring Dance

The Spring Dance will be held on May 18th. At 1:00 p.m. we will start setting up and the program will start at 2:00 p.m. We will be using recorded music this year.

The cost is $75 for using the church and the cost for the Spring Dance will be $10 per person.

We will be having door prizes this year since we do not have a pool like we normally do when we have the Spring Dance at DeKoven Center in Racine.

The Dance program is being put together by John McCormick and Vicki Phipps.


Paul Gunderson will send out an email to all the Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers as well as posting our Spring Dance information on our webpage and facebook page.

June Elections

The proposed annual meeting is set for June 17. Our membership dues will be kept at $10.00

The open positions on the board are:

The nominating committee will consist of Nancy Freitag, Becky Glamm and Valerie Lau.

New Business

There was no new business at this time.

Motion by Ken and seconded by Nancy to adjourn meeting.

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Last modified May 19, 2013