Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2018

Attendance:  Becky, Diana, Vicki, John Mc, Rebecca, Loraine, Terry, Cory, John F, Val


Call to order


Terry Motioned to move to Our Lord’s from the Yoga Studio, Becky 2nd


We still have two more weeks at Yoga Studio and we will return to Our Lord’s starting December 10.


We are to schedule a series of meetings.


Every other month starting January 14, March 11, May 13 and put the Annual General Meeting on the website.




Get the same musicians as we had this year.  “Rare Privilege.  Ken to contact them to schedule for next year October 26.


Setting up for the Halloween dance went well this year.  Maybe we can add a couple of more dances.  Who is going to make the program for next year?


We should try to get more people to attend.  We should try to get the word out sooner.


Have better door prizes.


Reach out to people that have been here and have not been around for a while.


Adjourned at 8:35 pm

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Last modified January 10, 2019