Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2020

Terry called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm

Diana motioned to approve the minutes from last meeting Cory 2nd

Minutes approved




We had a loss due to the Fall Dance costing us more than was budgeted due to a change of venue.


At the end of the quarter we have two cd’s, one is worth $2,716.19 and the other cd is about $2,761.61.


We need to be cognizant so that we don’t make $600 or over so that we will not be taxed.  We are to discuss that at our next meeting as to how it is going to be handled.


Treasurers report was approved




We should get people’s names and email addresses of those that attend and have them sign in.

Completed the Mequon-Thiensville Scottish Country basic dance class and are repeating that class Feb 5 to March 25 and again May 5 to June 23 at the Range Line School Gym in Mequon.




March 21, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm Discover New Berlin West High School Fieldhouse.  Are we available to do a demo and have a booth? 

Motioned to do a demo and have a booth. 

Hours of demonstration to be determined.




Question was asked do we want to have a Halloween Dance? 

There was concern about the cost and about holding the dance since we do not make any money.

We decided that the floor was good, and the venue was good. If so, we need to have good advertising on when and where, so that we can get more people to attend.


We need to call last year’s band and book them right away. 

Joh Fitak did an awesome job printing and making the cribs for the dance.

Diana Hankes also did a great job putting the program together with input from John McCormick.

Prizes – we had a really nice variety

Proposal to hold the Halloween dance on October 24.

We will have the same Band as last year and Vicki, our Treasurer is going to contact the band and negotiate a price.

Location – we decided that we would hold it at the same place as last year in Muskego.  Terry and Loraine will reach out to St. Paul’s to secure the venue.  Plan is to have a walk through again at Our Lord’s before the Halloween Dance.

Diana will put together the Halloween Program and will have the program ready by June to give to the musicians.

Motion was made and approved.





Spring Fling  – for those 35 and under which is an International opportunity to encourage young dancers.

RSCDS Unit 5 Exams for Rebecca and Terry – they are interested in our group donating to help them with the cost.  We thought we could divide a $1,000 and give them each $500.  Also, we could cash in a cd and give them a $1,000 each.

If they pass Unit 5, they become fully certificated.  It was agreed upon to give them both $1,000.

Diana motioned to approve and Sonya seconded.




Rebecca has been looking at other venues.  She has contacted the elementary schools and is looking at the Private Schools now.

Potentially, she will look at other recreation areas that we can dance at looking for a venue with a better floor.


Motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm

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Last modified July 13, 2020 PG