Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2008 7:25 p.m.
Attendance: Denise Babin, John Fitak, Sonya Fitak, Chuck Garrigues, Pat Garrigues, Paul Gunderson, Diana Hankes, Ron Hankes, Valerie Lau, John McCormick, Ken Phipps, Vicki Phipps.
Minutes of the 2007 annual meeting were reviewed. One spelling error was noted. Motion to approve the minutes was moved by Denise and seconded by Sonya and approved.
Treasure’s Report: Chuck reported that we were in the black and were receiving a good interest rate on the CDs. The number of annual dues paying members has decreased from last year. 16 people had paid as of the annual meeting compared to 25 at 2007. The cost of the new demo team dresses was $225 instead of $250. Chuck asked people to be sure to turn in their expenses so we could have a more accurate figure of the costs involved for the club. A motion to accept the financial report was moved by Diana and seconded by Denise and approved.
Slate of officers for 2008/2009:
President: John Fitak
Vice President: Jenny Michel
Secretary: Vicki Phipps
Treasurer: Chuck Garrigues
At Large: Valerie Lau and Diana Hankes
Motion moved by Sonya to accept the slate of officers and seconded by Denise and approved.
Out going officers were thanked.It was decided the club would again be participating at the Wisconsin Scottish Highland Games this September but in exactly what way still needed to be determined.
The Halloween Dance was tentatively set for October 25, 2008 at St. Paul’s. Since we have not received any profits from our merchandise sales, it was suggested we have a display of merchandise at the dance and also use some for door prizes.
The need to increase recruiting was discussed. Possible ideas were to place ads in festival programs such as Irish Fest/Wisconsin Scottish Highland Games or in church bulletins at St. Paul’s or elsewhere or in the St. Andrew Society or Robert Burns Club newsletter. Another idea was to have beginner classes or workshops at more varied locations such as municipal park and rec departments, MPS, MATC, or WCTC.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
Submitted by
Vicki Phipps
Governance pageHome page
Last modified July 31, 2008