Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General
Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2013

Attendance: Diana Hankes, Becky Glamm, Pat Garrigues, Andy Blackburn, Jutta Hansen, John McCormick, Paul Gunderson, Chuck Garrigues, John Fitak, Ken Phipps, Vicki Phipps, Valerie Lau, Denise Babin, Sonja Fitak

Midwest Scottish Weekend

It was held June 7 to June 9, 2013 at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.

Visit the website for information and updates on the Midwest Scottish Weekend

Treasurer’s Report

New Business

Fall Dance – for music, Paul will contact last year’s musician to see if he is available to play for our dance.

Sonja will contact Marion Centre and Delaware House to see if they are available. We weren’t sure if we could eat at Delaware House so that will need to be confirmed by Sonja.

Waukesha Highland Games

Officers for the 2013 – 2014 Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers

It was unanimously approved that the Board will be:

Motion by Paul Gunderson to adjourn meeting seconded by Becky Glamm

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Lau, Secretary

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Last modified July 2, 2013