Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General
July 8, 2019



$376.00 for demo performed this year

$231.00 for class donations


Demo fees came in handy this year to cover class donations.


We should drop the teaching video from the Treasurer’s Report since it is not keeping up with technology, then we should put the $280 into the general budget.




Terry and Rebecca have both passed and are working on Unit 4 and next summer will be eligible to take the Teaching Exam.




We would like to take a video of our signature dances but they are not ready for prime time, but we do have the technology to set up and do it, such as Karen’s Wedding, and St. Andrew’s Cross.




Vice President – Cory Sterling

Secretary – Valerie Lau

At Large – Nan Stangler

At Large – Diana Hankes


The new board members were all passed unanimously




July 29 will be our last class until September.  Diana and Ken will organize the class for that night.




Wisconsin Highland Games are from Friday August 30 to Sunday September 1, 2019.  The demo dancers will be performing on Friday at the Opening Ceremonies.


We have dance demonstrations twice each day on Sat Aug 31 and Sun Sept 1, at noon and 3:00 pm with audience participation.


Address:  1000 Northview Rd., Waukesha, WI  /




We will have Open House’s this year at our two different locations from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

·         September 30 at Our Lord’s Methodist Church

·         November 4 at St Paul’s Episcopal




The musicians are booked and Rebecca will be sending them the music.


John Fitak will print the crib notes for the dance.




We danced at Discover New Berlin last March and it was brought up to see if we would like to perform there again since we did get one new dancer from that event.  We are to let Chuck know if we are interested.




Milwaukee Scottish Dancers will be responsible for the Midwest weekend in 2020. 


Rebecca and Terry are doing another Mequon-Thiensville Park District starting Wed Sep 11 and ending Oct 30 at Range Line School from 8:00 to 9:15 pm.




Motion to adjourn at 9:05 pm.

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Last modified August 18, 2019 PG