Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2019

Meeting minutes from March 11 were approved.

Treasurers Report, we just need to make a few corrections.  Also, Teaching Video question came up as to why it is still on the report since everything is online now.

Loraine approved the Treasurers Report as it will be amended.

Our Annual Meeting is to be held July 8 at Our Lord’s.

Officers need to be elected for the 2019 / 2020 season.

Nominations are:
•    Cory for VP
•    Val for Secretary
•    Nan at large
•    Diana at large

Open House is tentatively scheduled to be held September 30 at Our Lord’s.

Discussion to change date with Rod Downey to be held at St. Paul’s on Sept. 16. is our email that we will use so that whenever the next board is appointed we are only using one email every year.  We will still use Diana’s email for when people want to contact us for demos.  Board Members could have the email and password to access the new email account.

We will be offering a basic class for the Meqon Thiensville area which will start in the Fall. 

Megan would like us to have an Open House on June 10, since she would like to bring a few people to class.

Loraine was wondering why we still go to St. Paul’s in Milwaukee since not as many people show up at that location.  It was mentioned that it is still a nicer floor to dance on. 

Terry suggested that the VP make a spreadsheet of people that are members of the RSCD and we can update at the AGM and then have a Fall membership drive.

Meeting adjourned at 9:34 pm

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Last modified August 11, 2019