Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
COVID-19 Policy

In recognition of the COVID pandemic, Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers would like to continue to ask dancers to agree to these precautions. Thank you for your kind care of one another through the pandemic and as we look ahead.

Dancers agree to:

1. Stay home if not feeling well.

2. Get tested if experiencing any COVID symptoms and contact us if you have a positive result.
Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers will notify dancers if they've been exposed, however, individuals will not be identified.

3. After a positive COVID test,
Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers are following the CDC guidelines for safely returning to class:
You should isolate for 5 days following the first day of symptoms or positive test (whichever came first). Provided you have no symptoms after that, you need to wear a mask in public for the next 5 days but can return to dancing. If you continue to have symptoms, you should wait to return until after day ten or when your symptoms are improving and you have been fever free for at least 24 hours (whichever comes later). You must wear a mask through day 10 at least.

4. Dancers are welcome to wear masks, but masks are not required to dance.

The MkeSCD Board and Teachers are excited to welcome all dancers and appreciate your kind caution during these pandemic years!

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Last modified July 4, 2023 PG